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A team event with added value

Do you want to do something for nature with your employees? We would be happy to underline your company's sustainable commitment with a corporate volunteering assignment. Volunteering and sweating together promotes team spirit and has a positive effect on motivation. Regardless of whether habitats are being upgraded, newly created or cleared of invasive plants, everyone takes away knowledge about themselves, nature and memories of a fun time back into everyday life.

Open assignments


Regensdorf, ZH

Mehr Natur für Schmetterling und Käfer

Brombeeren entfernen, Heckenpflege, Rechen und Zusammentragen von Schnittgut, Kleinstrukturen bauen

Unterengstringen, ZH

Kleine Helfer, grosse Wirkung: Nützlinge für die Bio-Apfelplantage

Pflanzen setzten, Nisthilfen bauen, Kleinstrukturen bauen

Winterthur, ZH

Lebensraum schaffen in Wald und Wasser

Teich reinigen, Heckenpflege, Waldrandpflege

Schelten, BE

Hand in Hand für die Artenvielfalt im Berner Jura

Neophyten bekämpfen

Zürich, ZH

Neue Lebensräume in der Natur-Oase Wehrenbach

Heckenpflege, Waldrandpflege, Nisthilfen bauen, Kleinstrukturen bauen

Birmensdorf, ZH

Ein Paradies für seltene Arten

Neophyten bekämpfen

Dägerlen, ZH

Einsatz auf der Weihnachtsbaum Plantage

Brombeeren entfernen

Auf dem eigenen Firmenareal

Ihr Firmenareal wird zur Naturoase aufgewertet

Pflanzen setzten, Nisthilfen bauen, Konzept Gestaltung, Kleinstrukturen bauen

Zürich, ZH

Ein neuer Teich für Frosch und Kröte

Teich bauen

Rüti, ZH

Fein zum Essen, aber nicht immer gut für die Natur!

Brombeeren entfernen

Domleschg, GR

Naturerlebnis pur in Graubünden

Waldpflege, Trockenwiesen & Weiden, Schlagräumungen

Thurauen, ZH

Naturschutz im Auengebiet

Neophyten bekämpfen, Brombeeren entfernen, Jungwaldpflege

Didn't find anything suitable?

From wild bee hotels to building stone lizards for amphibians to working together to improve your company premises, we have many other exciting activities to offer.

We are happy to organize individual assignments upon request.

What do we do on the day of the assignment?

We work together outside for one or more days. As a team, we maintain or redesign habitats, create refuges for animals and disrupt the spread of non-native plants. It's not just nature that benefits from this. Participants also learn about the relationships in nature and sensitive ecosystems.

Our services

  • Expertise from environmental professionals with many years of experience.

  • Accompanying the operations on site throughout the day with up to 6 experts.

  • Organisation of syrup bar, catering and lunch on request.

  • Special team building activities on request.

  • Large network; contact with nature conservation officers, foresters, authorities

  • Individual deployment planning, including all necessary permits.

  • Organization and transport of tools and materials (including final cleaning).

Aim of the volunteer work


  • we experience nature.

  • we have a lot of fun!

  • we strengthen team spirit and corporate culture.

  • we broaden our horizons.

  • we recognize natural connections.

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